Creative R&D: Art | Research | Technology

A weekly newsletter looking at what happens as creativity, radical thinking and emerging technologies collide.

All around us new forms of art, new methods of production and new types of institution are coming into being because of this intersection.

I want to capture that story as it happens.

About Chris Michaels

Chris is a consultant, advisor and researcher based in London.

He helps organisations:

  • Tell new stories for a changing world

  • Develops the case for investments in R&D and Innovation

  • Grow new creative technologies and digital IP

His clients include universities, research organisations, start-ups, technology companies and many of the world’s major museums. He works independently and with Bolton & Quinn and Human Economics.

He is Deputy Chair of English Heritage and sits on the Digital Advisory Boards of the National Gallery. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts.

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The positive evolution of creativity in face of technology change depends on community. Join with others who want to understand that evolution here on “Creative R&D: Art | Research | Technology”.

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Subscribe to Creative R&D: Art | Ideas | Technology

What happens when art, technology and new ideas collide. Drops fortnightly on Sundays.


Founder, Chris Michaels Digital Advisory | Author, "Creative R&D" on Substack | Strategy, Bolton & Quinn | Associate, Human Economics | Deputy Chair, English Heritage | Digital Advisory Boards, The National Gallery and the British Film Institute